About us

Welcome to the website of KreisSportBund Hochsauerlandkreis!

These pages contain some information about our organization and programs that you may find useful if you are interested in sports, would like to take part in sports programs in your area either alone or with your family, or would like to become a member of a sports club.

Perhaps you have worked as a sports teacher or trainer in your home country and would now like to continue this work here in Germany? Then you might find the following pages interesting as well.

Thank you for visiting us!

What is the role of the KreisSportBund?

The KreisSportBund Hochsauerlandkreis (KSB HSK) is the umbrella organization of over 400 member clubs in which well over 100,000 people play sport. The KSB HSK is therefore the largest non-profit organization in the HSK district.

The Sportjugend HSK is the youth organization within the KSB HSK. It represents all young people from KSB HSK member clubs who are under the age of 27.

The KSB sees itself as a service provider for sports clubs, schools, kindergartens with a focus on exercise and all partners involved in sports in community life. It is committed to a forward-looking development of sports in the region.

The KSB also provides training for volunteers who would like to become active in sports clubs, e.g. as trainers. A trainer is in charge of training sessions in a sports club and the KSB gets these people fit for this task.

Club structure in the Hochsauerlandkreis district

The HSK has a wide range of sports programs. Over 400 clubs cater to a wide variety of sports from Neheim to Winterberg. Every day, activities such as dancing, soccer, swimming, skiing, athletics and much more bring people together who share common interests and use sports to add variety and fitness to their lives.

A sports club organizes programs that are primarily intended to maintain, improve or restore health. And there are also many clubs that are involved in competitive sports. They require members to have certain performance standards and prior knowledge.

 Sports clubs are places where people come together, and their social function is very important. They are non-profit organizations, so are not intended to make a profit. That's why training at a sports club usually costs less than gym membership, for example.

Programs at sports clubs are open to everyone. There are clubs that are only involved in one type of sport, while others cater to a wide range. Training groups for all ages are organized in sports clubs. The training groups can also be subdivided according to gender and performance standards.

Why you're in the right place with us!

  • sport makes people happy,
  • sport integrates people,
  • sport helps members to develop new skills,
  • sport gets them fit and encourages connections.
Do you want to play sports?

We have cooperated with the Kommunales Integrationszentrum HSK to prepare a form that makes it easier for recent immigrants to join a sports club. This form can be completed and then forwarded to the Integration Officer. We then work with our partners – the individual municipal associations and sports clubs – to find the sports club that best suits the person’s preferences. A club representative will then get in touch with persons interested in the sport to discuss all the details for the sport and training. Please note that the form must be completed in Latin script.

Interested persons can also visit the Club Search NRW page (click here) to find the right type of sport.

Maria Boskamp

Fachkraft Integration durch Sport
Inklusion und Sport

Di  10-16 Uhr
Mi 10-16 Uhr
Do  8-16 Uhr

Download form here!

Qualification in sports

Do you enjoy sports? Perhaps you have already worked as a sports teacher or trainer in your home country?  Would you like to earn qualifications for sports in Germany?

Persons with a migrant background are eligible for support to complete education and further training in sport (e.g. group helpers, trainers, coaches, referees, etc.). Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions!

Maria Boskamp

Fachkraft Integration durch Sport
Inklusion und Sport

Di  10-16 Uhr
Mi 10-16 Uhr
Do  8-16 Uhr

Sport in the Park (Sport im Park) is a free program for all interested residents. The various sporting activities are planned in cooperation with the municipal sports associations and local clubs and are organized by trained instructors. There are plenty of green spots for outdoor sports in the Sauerland region!

Participants do not pay any fee, as the NRW State Sports Association provides financial support for Sport in the Park in cooperation with the AOK NordWest health insurance fund.

Sport in the Park is also an excellent advertising opportunity for clubs: Residents can try out various programs free of charge and then join the matching club programs if they like.

The program is always offered during the summer months. Click here for more information. Take note: Some programs require advance registration!

Course programs

The KreisSportBund Hochsauerlandkreis organizes sports courses in the areas of health, relaxation, rehabilitation sports and cross-country skiing, among others.

Participation requires advance registration with a commitment.

Click here for the programs.

Has your doctor prescribed rehabilitation sport? Click here for all the information about rehabilitation sport.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions!

Maria Boskamp

Fachkraft Integration durch Sport
Inklusion und Sport

Di  10-16 Uhr
Mi 10-16 Uhr
Do  8-16 Uhr

The International Weeks against Racism are held each year in March. During this time, sports clubs throughout NRW fly the flag with their ‘Pink against Racism’ campaign. It expresses their commitment to fighting hate at all levels and encouraging an open-minded world of sport. A wide variety of projects are organized in this area each year. Every club is invited to take part.  The campaigns are publicized on social media with hashtags and in pink colors (e.g. T-shirts or pink sports equipment). This sends out a clearly visible signal against racism in the world of sport.

The KSB HSK has been involved in the Pink against Racism campaign alliance since 2021.

To learn more visit the Foundation against Racism and the action alliance Pink against Racism websites.

Holiday camp for kids – language support & exercise

We organize an annual holiday camp for children aged 8 to 12. The camp is usually held in the summer months. The group sleeps for a few days in the Hachen sports and adventure village.

The aim of the camp is to help children to improve their German skills. They are introduced to a variety of sports, get lots of exercise, improve their language skills and have plenty of fun. The camp lasts for 4 days and 3 nights. And we organize a jam-packed program during this time: Various sports, lots of experiences, language exercises, arts and crafts, and so on.

The camp is intended in particular to reach children of refugee families. Or of families from other countries who have come to Germany. We want these children to become more proficient in German. But we want learning to be fun as well!

We can help the children to find a sports club after the camp, where they can continue to be involved.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions about the language camp!

Maria Boskamp

Fachkraft Integration durch Sport
Inklusion und Sport

Di  10-16 Uhr
Mi 10-16 Uhr
Do  8-16 Uhr

Contact details for the team

Katja Osenberg

NRW bewegt seine KINDER
Anerkannter Bewegungskindergarten

Mo-Fr  9-12 Uhr

Michael Kaiser



Mo-Do  9-16 Uhr
Fr          9-14 Uhr

Angelika Dorin


Mo 09.00-12.00 Uhr
Di 09.00-12.00 Uhr
Do 11.00-13.00 Uhr

Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass Besuche nur nach vorheriger Terminabsprache möglich sind.

Franziska Steinweg


Momentan in Elternzeit!

Maria Boskamp

Fachkraft Integration durch Sport
Inklusion und Sport

Di  10-16 Uhr
Mi 10-16 Uhr
Do  8-16 Uhr

André Erlmann

stellv. Geschäftsstellenleitung

Fachkraft für Jugendarbeit

Mo-Do  9-16 Uhr
Fr          9-14 Uhr

Simone Klauke


Mo  08-13 Uhr
Di    08-13 Uhr
Mi   08-13 Uhr
Fr  08-13 Uhr

Jamie den Ridder

Freiwilliges soziales Jahr (FSJ)

Mo-Do  9-16 Uhr
Fr          9-14 Uhr